Prime 2019.2 was released on June 17, 2019.

What's New in Geneious Prime 2019.2?

Geneious Prime 2019 brings powerful analyses to increase accuracy and help transform collaboration.

Restriction Enzymes

Methylation sensitivity information shown in tool tip when mousing over a restriction enzyme

Sanger Sequencing Primer Design

Quickly design primers for Sanger sequencing of vectors, inserts or other sequences

Easier Shared Database Rollout

Immediately access shared data and get straight to doing your research with a Geneious Shared database connections now able to be pre-configured by your IT team or admin when rolling out a version of Geneious Prime. Includes improved support for Windows authentication.

Improved Text View Formatting of Sequences and Alignments

Support formatting and export of sequences in accordance with U.S. Patent Office requirements as well as other improvements.

Release Notes

View detailed Geneious Prime 2019.2 Release Notes

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