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Master Geneious and key concepts in molecular biology and bioinformatics. FREE unlimited access to online courses.
Getting Started

VIDEO SERIESA Brief Tour of Geneious Prime
Get up and running quickly with this brief tour of the Geneious Prime interface.

VIDEO SERIESGetting Started with Geneious Prime
Watch this series to get started with your molecular biology and sequence analysis in Geneious Prime.

VIDEO SERIESGetting Started with Geneious Biologics
Watch this series to get started with your antibody analysis in Geneious Biologics.
Next Generation Sequencing

VIDEO SERIESDe Novo Assembly
Watch the series and learn how to perform a de novo assembly of short-read NGS data and assemble circular contigs.

VIDEO SERIESMap to Reference
Use the map to reference tool to map next-generation sequencing data against a reference, and assemble coronavirus genomes.

VIDEO SERIESCall and Compare SNPs
Perform a reference assembly with next-generation sequencing (NGS) data and call SNPs on the assembled contig.

VIDEO SERIESMetagenomics Analysis
In this in-depth video series learn how to assemble, filter and analyze an NGS amplicon metagenomic data set.

VIDEO SERIESExpression Analysis
Calculate and compare normalized expression measures from RNA-Seq data using the Geneious expression analysis tool.
Sanger Sequencing and Microsatellites

VIDEO SERIESSanger Sequence Analysis
Learn to align your chromatograms to a reference sequence, find variants and verify sequences in this video series.

VIDEO SERIESMicrosatellite Analysis
Use the Microsatellites Plugin to import ABI fragment analysis files, visualize traces, fit ladders, call peaks and more.
Learn Sequence Analysis

GUIDEIntroduction to DNA Sequencing
Learn the basics of DNA sequencing with this introductory article on Sanger, Next Generation and Long-read methods.

GUIDEAssembling Your DNA Sequences
Learn the basics with this introductory guide to assembling DNA sequences with de novo and map to reference.

GUIDEUnderstanding Sequence Alignment
Learn the basics of sequence alignment with this overview on the different methods used to align sequences.

GUIDEUnderstanding Phylogenetics
Learn the basics of phylogenetics with this overview of phylogenetic treesm how they work and how to build them.

GUIDEIntroduction to Molecular Cloning Methods
Learn the basics in Molecular Cloning with this overview article that covers restriction enzyme cloning to golden gate cloning.
Alignments and Tree Building

VIDEO SERIESPhylogenetic Trees
In this video learn the basic steps to building a phylogenetic tree and manipulate it using the Geneious tree viewer.

VIDEO SERIESMultiple Alignments
Watch how to perform multiple alignments and assess levels of homology among sequences before constructing a phylogeny.

VIDEO SERIESPairwise Alignment
Use a dot plot to view regions of similarity then determine homology with pairwise alignment of related sequences.

VIDEO SERIESMauve Alignment
Watch the series and learn how to use the Mauve plugin. Align genomes and convert alignments into standard alignments.
Annotate and Visualize

VIDEO SERIESAnnotate Sequences
Learn to annotate your sequences by customizing the view, adding new annotations or annotating your sequence with BLAST.

VIDEO SERIESViewing 3D Structures
This video covers the 3D structure viewer. Learn how to visualize and manipulate active sites in a protein structure.
Molecular Cloning

VIDEO SERIESRestriction Cloning
Find and analyze restriction enzymes and simulate restriction cloning of a single insert into a vector backbone.

VIDEO SERIESGateway Cloning
Watch this video series to learn the basics of Gateway cloning and how to simulate single or multisite Gateway cloning.

VIDEO SERIESGolden Gate Cloning
Watch the series to learn the basics of Golden Gate cloning and how to simulate standard or batch Golden Gate cloning.

VIDEO SERIESGibson Assembly
In this video learn to simulate Gibson Assembly using a single insert, and perform batch cloning from a sequence list.

VIDEO SERIESIn-Fusion Cloning
This video covers the basics of In-fusion cloning. Learn to simulate In-fusion cloning and analyze your results.

Watch this 3 part series on simulating TOPO cloning in Geneious Prime using either the TA, blunt or directional method.

Learn how to simulate parts cloning and concatenate libraries of genetic elements outputting all possible combinations.
Primer Design and CRISPR

In this series learn how to view, design and export primers for many applications such as PCR, cloning or sequencing.

In this series, learn to find, annotate and check CRISPR sites, prepare sequence files, analyze, and interpret results.

Learn how to search with BLAST. Single or batch BLAST your sequence against GenBank or custom databases to find similar sequences.

VIDEO SERIESWorking with GenBank
Watch the series on how to access GenBank, and prepare and submit sequences and alignments to the GenBank database.
Automation & Customization

VIDEO SERIESCreating Automated Workflows
In this video series learn to use workflows to automate your analyses and run a set of operations with a single click.
Antibody Discovery

VIDEO SERIESGetting Started with Geneious Biologics
Watch this series to get started with your antibody analysis in Geneious Biologics.

VIDEO SERIESAntibody Discovery
Deepen your understanding of key concepts in antibody discovery and master the broad range of Geneious Biologics tools with this in-depth video series.
Get started with Geneious today