Prime 2020.1 was released on March 09, 2020.

What's New in Geneious Prime 2020.1

Geneious Prime 2020.1 brings exciting new functionality to transform raw sequence data into meaningful visualizations.

Long-read de novo Assembly with Flye (external plugin)

Fast de novo assembly of your raw Oxford Nanopore and PacBio long read sequences using Flye, suited to a wide range of applications including both single genome projects and metagenome assembly.

Import Metadata on to Sequences and other Documents

Seamlessly attach new data from downstream analyses or other applications onto your sequences in Geneious, or update document fields, by importing columns from a CSV/TSV format spreadsheet onto documents that are already in Geneious.

Codon Optimization and Back Translation Improvements

Customize the codon optimization parameters for your model organism by defining short sequence motifs to exclude from your optimized sequence, while easily generating multiple co-optimized versions of your sequence simultaneously.

Primer Specificity Testing

Be confident your primers will only bind in a single location with automatic identification of any additional, off target, binding sites found when using Test with Saved Primers. Off-target information for the tested document will be added to the new primer annotations.

Release Notes

View detailed Geneious Prime 2020.1 Release Notes

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