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R11.1 was released on March 05, 2018.
Geneious R11.1
SnapGene File Import
Drop SnapGene *.dna sequence files into Geneious to seamlessly import sequences along with their annotations and other metadata.
CRISPR-Cpf1 Specificity Scoring
Confidently pick the best CRISPR-cpf1 guide RNA sites using a new specificity score which is calculated from an off-target analysis against your database of choice.
Smart NGS Import
Drop any assortment of SAM, BAM, GFF, BED, and VCF files into Geneious to import in one easy step, even if you have a mixture of different samples and reference sequences.
Better BLAST Server Management
Set up several BLAST server mirrors at once and choose the best one each time you do a search. No more switching mirrors each time.
NCBI BLAST Cloud Support
It’s never been easier to set up your own BLAST mirror thanks to NCBI BLAST Cloud. If you set up a mirror in this way, Geneious can now connect to it natively.
Concatenate by Index
Concatenate sequence lists and alignments by index, rather than by name, which is super useful for merging paired reads that don’t quite overlap.
CSV/TSV Export of Sequence Lists
Export all of the sequences in a sequence list along with their metadata to CSV or TSV so you can drop them in Excel or similar for further analysis.
Release Notes
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