R7.1 was released on February 03, 2014.

Geneious R7.1

Circular Assembly

Geneious can create circular contigs in its famous sequence viewer making it easier to assemble genomes such as bacterial genomes and plasmids.

Trio Analysis

The improved ‘compare annotation’ interface gives better results and more powerful options for SNP analysis and all results include annotation properties.

Strip Alignment columns

Build better trees! Remove columns with at least one ambiguity or strip two columns per codon.

Extract more annotation information

Now you can select upstream, downstream and intergenic regions of matching annotations.

New Plugins

  • TopHat – Fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads.
  • MIRA – Specialized assembler for sequences with a high number of repeats

Release Notes

View detailed Geneious R7.1 Release Notes

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