Sanger Sequence Analysis

In this video series you will learn how to align your chromatograms to a reference sequence in Geneious Prime. Then use the Find Variations/SNPs tool to find variants and verify sequences.

Course Content

Introduction to Sanger Sequencing

Learn how to check sequence quality, trim the ends and map chromatogram sequences against a reference. Then view the contig and edit bases.
5 minutes

Find Variants with Sanger Sequencing

Set parameters for calling SNPs, view SNPs information, see how variants affect the protein, and view and export polymorphisms.
2 minutes

Recommended Resources

How do I assemble F and R pairs of sequences?

Use the Geneious de novo assembler to align pairs of Sanger sequences.

De novo assembly advisor decision tree & validation table

Identify the most appropriate assembly algorithm for your data.

Map-to-Reference assembly advisor decision tree & validation table

Identify the most appropriate mapping algorithm for your data.

Manual for Creating, Viewing and Editing Sequences

Learn how to view, edit, translate, complement and translate sequences.

More Geneious Academy

Practice how to trim, edit and assemble chromatograms. Find heterozygotes and incorrectly called bases.
Watch the series and learn how to perform a de novo assembly of short-read NGS data and assemble circular contigs.
Practice using the Microsatellite plugin to fit a ladder, call peaks, bin alleles and produce a table of genotypes.
Learn to annotate your sequences by customizing the view, adding new annotations or annotating your sequence with BLAST.
Get started with Geneious today